The EDDIE Consortium
The establishment of a Data Space is by nature an inter-disciplinary and market role spanning effort. Therefore, it is important to combine the expertise of the most relevant stakeholder groups when preparing its grounds. These are (a) final customers, (b) parties eligible to access data based on consent of the final customer, (c) data-sharing infrastructure operators, (d) organisations responsible for architecture and implementation, (e) standardisation experts, (f) scientists and educational institutions and (g) European experts on energy data management. Each stakeholder group as it is required for EDDIE and how consortium members contribute with their expertise and personnel is describe in the following.
(a) Final customers: These are represented by the DSO partners aboard, and ANEC and BEUC as European Customer Representations will be contacted to participate in our stakeholder meetings. Also, the drafts for the Implementing Act on Interoperability themselves have been created with a careful eye on final customer interest.
(b) Parties eligible to access data based on consent of the final customer: Service providers, start-ups, etc. in need for easy, secure and efficient access to data of their customers/users. The partners FlexiDAO (ES), Südtiroler Energieverband/ÖTZI Strom (IT) and Digital4Grids (FR) are representing them in the consortium, whilst the first is currently based on a proprietary/regional home-grown integration for validated historical data and will be lifted to the European interface, Digital4Grids with its residential prosumer flexibility prototype is based on in-home real- time data streams, and ÖTZI Strom by default does its billing based on validated monthly meter readout data and is able to create more accurate bills for its members, in the future even more accurate data will be available to the energy supplier and the customer, thanks to a a more sophisticated metering system, can be forseen to offer better tariffs for its customers if they provide access to real-time data, so the latter covers both areas in one use case. Ötzi Strom is a cooperative, founded by Südtiroler Energieverband in 2019 and has a statutory link visible in the cooperative statute of Ötzi Strom. Ötzi Strom remains under the administration and coordination of the Südtiroler Energieverband, as their only umbrella organisation, and allows the use of the necessary premises and the branding of SEV. ETA+ are lifting some of the services they offer for German customers to the European interface. The Sector Coupling demonstrator by EASEE Gas (BE) and DEDA (GR) will deliver requirements for data-sharing for actors in this important next step of the transition, dealing with both data-sharing for electricity and data-sharing for gas/hydrogen in a single use case combined. University of Vienna (AT) will deal with more pioneering prototypes for use cases based on cross-sectoral scenarios (e.g., with finance, logistics, awareness) to be elaborated. So, EDDIE features a lot of input and requirements from different members of this stakeholder group, from established actors based on data access to relevant, emerging and up to really futuristic ones.
(c) Data-sharing infrastructure operators: As shown in several paragraphs above, data access is organised diversely in so many regions across Europe. For a European interface, it is therefore important to support the major data management approaches in place in MSs and to have the relevant infrastructure operators aboard in the requirements engineering and design process. Also, different data families have to be considered according to the following classification:
1) For validated historical data or – more generally – online available data we see multiple approaches for their access management. One is the “central data hub” model, where a measured data is copied to a single national hub where it is stored for later use, a number of energy-related processes are executed on that data, all on the central platform. These platforms can be run by an existing market role (e.g., DSO, TSO) or an independent, dedicated entity. To represent the requirements and the viewpoint of centralised environments, integration of Energinet Data Hub (DK), Elering Data Hub (EE), ElectraLink (UK) and potentially PL and/or NO will be done. With regards to technical integration, also Enedis (FR) falls under this category and will support the EDDIE and the region connectors, as well as contribution to the best practices tables in-kind. Another approach is in place in Austria, where data is stored at the DSO, and decentralised data hubs (DSO portals) are sharing data through a standardised environment. Decentralised environments are represented by EDA (AT) in the consortium and potential support will be done by the new Dutch Data Management entity. Finally, we see a hybrid approach emerging. In Spain, measured data stays with the DSO, and the access to it by the customer or an eligible party is facilitated by a central Consent Broker, which provides the customer a possibility to authenticate and share data with parties requesting access to his data. Such “hybrid” data management architectures are represented in the consortium by AELEC (ES), which has very close connections with DataDis C.B. (Spanish Consent Broker).
2) For near real-time data (i) from the meter’s P1 interface or from (ii) an official remote infrastructure we also see a diversity of architectural and market communication approaches. For regions, in which the default way of getting access to non-validated near real-time data as of Article 20(a) of Directive (EU) is through a standardised interface, we see a multiplicity of standards applied, and even if the same technical standard is applied, the actual configuration/operating model is differing, even if they might use the same meter model. We see Meter Operators (often DSOs, but can also be other players) deploying more than one meter model from more than one vendor. Therefore, it is important, that all contributors implement connectivity with all their active meter configurations (like in France represented by Digital4Grids (FR) and AIIDA implementation supported in-kind by Enedis (FR), or for Austrian meter models, AIIDA implementation supported by Austrian DSOs) or, if in a country a “unified national interface” on top of the diverse P1 interfaces is available, for this (this would be the case for all Austrian DSOs represented by EDA). Some participating regions are either building an infrastructure to enable the access to non-validated near real-time data through an online service or already having one in place, e.g., SIORD in Spain represented and connectivity with EDDIE supported in project by AELEC (ES), Italian near real-time access infrastructure connectivity with EDDIE supported in project by SEV (IT).
(d) Organisations responsible for architecture and implementation: For the upper and customer-facing layers of the EDDIE Framework and for AIIDA, the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) and University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Hagenberg (FHO) are responsible. AIT is Austria's largest research and technology organisation. Among the European research institutes, AIT is a specialist in the key infrastructure issues of the future. The Competence Unit Cooperative Digital Technologies, which is embedded in the Center for Digital Safety & Security, will lead the project and act as coordinator. The main expertise of Cooperative Digital Technologies includes concepts and solutions for the collection and exchange of data, the extraction of information such as exchange of experience and knowledge between the organizations involved. AIT contributes to the success of EDDIE by bringing in its expertise in the fields of interoperability (e.g., in IoT sensor networks), cryptography, cyber security and data analytics. Furthermore, the researchers involved can draw on their experiences from research projects in the energy sector. UAS Hagenberg (AT), and in particular Department of Mobility and Energy will be included in the consortium as participant and WP lead. Campus Hagenberg constitutes the Faculty of Informatics, Communications and Media, established in 1993, where currently around 1600 students are working towards their Bachelor's and Master's degree. The Department for Smart and Interconnected Living (SAIL) in particular offers the bachelor degree programmes "Mobile Computing", "Automotive Computing" and the master degree programmes "Mobile Computing", "Energy Informatics" and "Design of Digital Products (DDP)". Furthermore, the department is active in research in these fields in a series of past and current national/international projects with a strong focus on project-relevant areas.
In short, AIT will provide the expertise in architecture and theory with regards to safety and security critical systems, whilst FHO with its broad range from energy to media informatics, usability and security will provide most of the implementation work necessary for the EDDIE Framework.
The group of partners mainly responsible for architecture and implementation is complemented with Ponton (DE), which is a software development company, located in Hamburg. Ponton are specialised on developing market communication infrastructures for the European energy sector. Main activities over the past 20 years are the Austrian EDA data communication infrastructure, based on the messaging protocol ebXML and AS4, the Equias (former EFETnet) platform for wholesale OTC energy trading post-deal processing (confirmation matching and regulatory reporting under EMIR and REMIT, and the development / maintenance of the ECC Spot Market Settlement System which provides clearing functions for all spot trades performed on platforms operated within the EEX (European Energy Exchange) group. Moreover, Ponton has been involved in innovation projects such as Enerchain (decentralised wholesale trading based on blockchain technology), ETIBLOGG (local P2P real-time trading within energy communities), and NEW 4.0 (trading platform of flexibility products). Apart from their activities as a software developer, Ponton provides consulting services to establish and support standardisation consortia within the energy sector.
(e) Standardisation experts: With their expertise from decades modelling, automating and standardising information exchange in the Gas sector and integration with CIM, EASEE Gas (BE) will be driving these activities, with the strong support of Digital4Grids (FR), (AT), Ponton (DE), Hagenberg (AT) and the AIT (AT). As always in standardisation, it is important to have a broad representation of stakeholders and through and Digital4Grids a living connectivity with European Expert Groups and Standards Defining Organisations (e.g., IEEE, CEN/CENELEC).
(f) Scientists and educational institutions: The Copenhagen School for Energy Infrastructure (CSE) in Denmark will contribute energy economics expertise and assessment, the European University Institute (EUI) in Italy will align the initiative within European network codes and legislative frameworks, and provide regulatory analyses and recommendations for policy makers. The Lisbon Council for Economic Competitiveness and Social Renewal asbl (LIS) in Belgium is as a “go-to-place” for unconventional, out-of-the-box thinking and research, will provide expertise and alignment with – more generically – data-related topics and ensure dissemination through its wide-spread network with policy makers and senior leaders. The University of Vienna (VIE) with the Cooperative Systems Research Group (COSY) of the Faculty of Computer Science will assess energy data-sharing and access from a behavioural economics and human-centred point of view. COSY has a long experience with future architectures, communication protocols and distributed algorithms, including their technical and user-centric performance evaluation, but at the same time aims at integrating the perspective of computer science with neighbouring disciplines from economics, human and social sciences. Finally, the AIT will care about security and safety around the EDDIE Framework and AIIDA in particular, but considers these issues for energy data-sharing infrastructures in general to contribute to knowledge in this important area of data-sharing.
(g) European experts on energy data management: The EDDIE consortium features a number of renowned individuals previously or currently active in stakeholder associations, expert and working groups. Valerie Reif from EUI Florence School of Regulation (IT) is part of the research team in electricity regulation. Her main research interests are the EU Electricity Network Codes and the EU Clean Energy Package. Laurent Schmitt from Digital4Grids (FR) was General Secretary of ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity. He is now chairing SmartEn’s Digitalisation Committee and is part of EU Smart Grids Task Force Expert Group 1. Georg Hartner, AIT (AT), (AT)is a Member of the Editorial Team for the drafting team of the Implementing Act proposals on Interoperability of EU Smart Grids Task Force Expert Group 1, representing GEODE – The Voice of Local Energy Companies in Europe. He was also very active in previous SGTF activities, also with regards to their previous report Towards Interoperability within the EU for Electricity and Gas Data Formats and Exchange, which coined high-level recommendations for a European interoperability effort for energy markets in Europe, and distributed flexibility working groups at Austrian national and European level. Georg is member of EU DSO Entity Expert Groups on Distributed Flexibility and Data Interoperability. Furthermore, he is speaking at many panels and conferences on data management and has been in contact also with representatives from North America and Green Button on the topic. Wout van Voornfeld from EASEE Gas (FR), Gasunie (NL) is an active member in EG1 contributing very important architectural modelling and expertise from the Gas sector. With these members actively participating in European comitology, it will be assured that the initiative keeps aligned and will accommodate to developments in that area. Project deliverables – code as well as written material – will be developed within shared online work environments and open- source code repositories. All project participant will have access rights on equal footing.
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