EDDIE Round-Tables
To ensure that our objectives and deliverables stay aligned with the initiative’s stakeholders’ requirements and needs at a broader scale, Project EDDIE features two official and open engagement platforms – a Best Practices Round-Table for Data-Sharing Infrastructure Operators and a Best Practices Round-Table for Data-Driven Services. If you are interested in joining either of these, please find more information and registration options below.
Best Practices Round-Table for Data-Sharing Infrastructure Operators

Started on April 27th 2023, online every month, physical meetings every 3 months roughly
This circle is primarily meant to be a network of operators of energy data-sharing infrastructures, that they can use to exchange and learn from each other learnings from different countries, roadmaps, fallacies and pitfalls, and best-practices. It is meant to discover quick (and slow) wins and to assist across Member States. In addition to that, the Round-Table helps the Development Team to implement EDDIE Connectors for the different regions by providing know-how, test accounts and data and short-circuit technical support. The Development Team provides data-sharing infrastructure operators their first-hand experiences, learnings and proposals for improvement made during integrating.
Also, the Round-Table interacts with the second broader stakeholder engagement committee – the Best Practices Round-Table for Data-Driven Services, discovering and and incorporating experiences and needs expressed by the actual users of energy data.
The forum is open explicitly to DSOs, TSOs or other independent (e.g., National Data Hub Operators) Metered Data and Permission Administrators in the sense of the Harmonised Electricity Market Role Model. If you are interested and would like to participate in the described activities follow the register link below.
NOTE: The Best Practices Round-Table for Data-Driven Services is open to ALL DSOs, TSOs, Data Hub Operators or other actors providing or maintaining energy data sharing infrastructure, also from countries outside the EU. However, as this is not meant to drift into sales events or as a commercial launchpad, the team has decided to exclude other actors. System vendors, consultants and other market actors will have the opportunity to contribute in other structures later in the course of the project.
Best Practices Round-Table for Data-Driven Services

Starting in Autumn 2023, online every month, physical meetings every 3 months roughly
This circle organised by University of Vienna – Co-operative Systems Group (COSY) is primarily meant to be a network of solution developers, start-ups, and innovators with a focus on energy data-driven solutions to exchange and learn from each other. In addition, the group interacts with EDDIE Architecture & Development team to communicate and address requirements, assess recent deliverables and results, and is the main channel for new market actors and energy digital platforms to request features, changes and extensions for the framework. Representatives of the EDDIE Project Demonstrators will share their experience particular demonstrator domains such as:
- Cross-Sector Electricity/Gas data-driven solutions, H2 integration
- Residential home energy management
- Smart EV-Charging solutions
- Integrated wholesale and direct marketing / PPA value-chain management
- 24/7 Guarantee of Origin and emissions management solutions for large-scale prosumers
- Digital platforms for energy communities and distributed flexibility
Furthermore, the Best Practices Round-Table for Data-Driven Services is the platform to present and promote YOUR solution.
Even more, the group interacts with the Best Practices Round-Table for Data-Sharing Infrastructure, to discover learnings and to incorporate experiences and needs you have maybe not directly to EDDIE, but to national actors to realise or improve your solution.
The round-table is open explicitly to digital platforms for energy communities, data-driven services that need to connect to data-sharing infrastructures, new and emerging service providers, clean-and-green-tech-enthusiasts, and data scientists/architects with a focus on energy. If you are interested and would like to contribute to the described activities,
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